You are encouraged by the Federal Trade Commission to be sure the information on your credit reports is accurate, complete, and up to date at least once a year. It is an important part of your financial life that can determine whether you get credit, the terms of the credit and how much it will […]
An annual home equity update benefits homeowners
Homeowners should verify their home’s equity at least once a year because the two factors that affect it change regularly. Market value changes and the unpaid balance of the home decreases with each monthly payment made on an amortizing loan. Amortization and appreciation cause the equity to increase in value. Knowing your equity gives you […]
Is a friend your best choice for your agent?
In the realm of real estate transactions, the decision to engage a friend who also happens to be an agent may seem like a tenuous situation and may cause some hesitation. Concerns about how professional relationships may impact their personal connection occasionally weighs on a person’s mind, leading them to consider alternative options. It may […]
Key Considerations When Downsizing Your Home
While the process of downsizing may initially focus on finding a smaller property, it’s essential for homeowners to also think ahead and plan for the future by including considerations such as aging in place, healthcare needs, and financial security, and offer guidance on creating a comprehensive plan for the years ahead. Assessing Long-Term Needs Before […]
Agent Representation – A Buyer’s Perspective
Real estate professionals offer expertise in the local market, guiding buyers toward suitable properties and negotiating favorable terms. They provide comprehensive support throughout the home buying process, managing logistics and serving as trusted advisors. Additionally, agents have access to a network of allied professionals, streamlining the transaction and ensuring smooth coordination. They also advocate for […]
The dilemma is clear: wait for conditions to improve, or act now?
Are you one of the many would-be homebuyers holding off on purchasing a home, hoping for a favorable shift in the market? With insurance, property taxes, and maintenance costs on the rise, it’s understandable why some are hesitant to take the plunge. However, the reality is that these factors affecting affordability are compounded by the […]
The case for working with a friend and agent
The familiarity and trust established in a friendship may be the ideal foundation for a successful business relationship. Having a loyal ally from their social circle adds a new level of insight and service to such an important financial decision in their lives. When considering the choice of engaging a friend who also happens to […]
How to change a second home to a primary home & why
The tax benefits of owning both a first and second home can be significant, with the IRS allowing taxpayers to deduct interest and property taxes on both properties as itemized deductions on their tax returns, albeit with certain limitations. Interest deductions are limited to the amount of debt incurred to buy, build, or improve the […]
Homeowner Strategies to Minimize Gain & Maximize Proceeds
The gain on the sale of your home is determined by the price you sell the home, less selling expenses, less the price you paid for it, plus the capital improvements made during the time you owned the property. IRS and accounting use the term “basis” to describe your cost in the home. It is […]
Living the Dream: The Value of Homeownership
Owning a home has long been considered a fundamental part of the American dream. It represents far more than just having a place to live�it embodies values, aspirations, and a sense of security. Here’s why homeownership is widely regarded as a key component of the American dream: Stability and Roots: Owning a home provides a […]